Labuan Bajo 2023 3/4 - Padar Island, Pink Beach, Komodo Island etc.

"If it is for you, trust that it will find you."

-A Gentle Reminder

finally I went to this beautiful island!

Day 3 - Saturday, March 25, 2023

Padar Island

We woke up early in the morning and get ready to go to Padar Island, by taking turns we went by small boat to go to Padar Island. It's still dark but not that cold. We started to climb up the stairs, there were like 5 checkpoint along the way up. Slowly but sure we took the stairs. It was kind of exhausting to go to the top and be able to reach the famous spot to get nice pictures. Especially hiking was not my favorite things to do but yep, I still can reach the top.

hopped into the small boat and ready to climb Padar Island

I was exhausted but the view was too spectacular

it's already pretty here but let's go up more
The view along the way to the top was amazing. Once I reached the famous spot, I was felt a bit dizzy so I took a rest for a while. Once I gathered myself, I start exploring. Anyway there were some best spot to take picture and I am sure you might saw those pictures running on your feeds when you searched this place.

To get the picture there, we need to take a line, mostly each group will take turns to take picture there. We stayed and explored area for a while before heading back down. Anyway the view from the top was just so pretty from every angle. I love that island and so glad that I can visit it and saw the view with my own eyes. So that was another day to create core memory.

it's so prettyy up there, impossible not too take some pictures
delicious breakfast for that day!
Pink Beach (Long Island)

Next destination for that day was going to this pretty pink beach. It was my first time to see this pink beach. So there were few pink beaches and we went to this Long Beach. Those pink colors that you might saw was actually came from those pink corals on the sand and that creating that pink color when people see it. It's not that pink and just common sand/beach you ever saw but it's different when you see it from afar.

We had another shots taking with camera & drone, group & individual. We stayed there until we felt satisfied. It's beautiful indeed yet so hot. The beach was quite crowded but still okay.

board the small boat and let's go to pink beach!

uwaaaaaa, look at that!

drone pictures, loveeee!
happy group 
our boat :)
Komodo Island

Another highlight during this sailing trip was visiting this Komodo Island. We met the guide and they gave us tour and explanation about this Komodo Dragon.

The Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo monitor, is a member of the monitor lizard family Varanidae that is endemic to the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang. It is the largest extant species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3 m, and weighing up to 70 kg (source : Wikipedia).

I met like 5 - 6 Komodos on that island, just make sure you stand not too close with them. We also taking picture with Komodo, of course we stand quite far behind the Komodo Dragon.

let's see Komodo Dragon!
group picture in front of the gate
let's hear the briefing


enjoying out tasty lunch with this view
Manjarite Island

Next we were heading to Manjarite Island, explore the island and snorkeling there. Once I dive down and snorkeling there, hmm to be honest it's not that beautiful. So, I didn't really enjoy snorkeling there and I only did for a while. That's the downside when you've been to beautiful spot for snorkeling before. The water wasn't so clear and the corals were not that much and not too many colorful fish there.

But still, the view around it was so lovely that you won't miss it. Some people really enjoyed the snorkeling there. We had some time there and even some friends swimming back to the main boat. We also jumped in to the water and it was so much fun. It was kind of frightening but due to all those shouts from friends and crew on the boat, was made me want to brave myself to jump into the water. I took off the life vest and start to jump, it was soo fun! thank you guys!

loveee the color!

snorkeling time


We tried to catch sunset for that day while also waiting for the bats to come out, there were plenty of them and they just start to came out when sunset came. The sky was so pretty, we just staying on the boat and starring the sky with those bats flying above us. Such a calming day to watch that sunset and what a wonderful holiday.

At night as always we were so excited to find what's the menu for that day, enjoying our dinner and had a nice chat with everyone. We also had karaoke session on that night until like 11 PM, so much fun indeed!

chilling time and waiting for sunset and bats to come out
ohh see those bats start to come out
there were soooo many bats flying in the sky

uwaaa dinner time!

